
  The See Magazine By Scott Sharplin, August 22, 2000 



"Educating Mad Persons" cut sometimes be a bit hard to keep track of all at once. Stand back, though, and you'll see a bold, stylishly executed experimental marvel where humans become puppets and luggage becomes just about everything else.

Rich voices, vibrant costumes and some sweeping choreography make this a treat for all theatre buffs. It's Albee, Brecht, and Wilfred Watson by way of Kurosawa: bizarre, majestic, and utterly one of a kind.

  The Edmonton Journal By Roger Lavesque, August 23, 2000

 私がこの作品に秘められたテーマを本当に理解したかどうかはわからない。だが、日本から来たアンダーグラウンド劇団「流山児★事務所」の繰り広げるエキゾティックで実存的不可解さに満ちた舞台 ―― その多角的な視覚効果と強烈な演技は否応無しに楽しませてもらった。



I'm not sure I really understood the underlying themes, but I couldn't help enjoying the multimedia vision and intense performances in this truly exotic, existentially inscrutable operetta from Japan's underground Ryuzanji Company. The eclectic sonic backdrop includes some live drumming and crashing gongs for brash punctuation, prompting some very physical dance work (especially the puppet manipulation).

The eclectic sonic backdrop includes some live drumming and crashing gongs for brash punctuation, prompting some very physical dance work (especially the puppet manipulation). A few references to classic Japanese theatre show up in the costumes, painted faces and percussion but this is something truly contemporary, spontaneous and occasionally frightening in Persons.

  By Mike Ross, August 26, 2000 The Edmonton Sun


 スタイリッシュなダンス・ナンバー、忍者たちの発する強烈な叫びと衝撃音、それがもたらす高揚感に乗って俳優たちは悪夢のような一族の物語を紡ぎ出す。ドクトル・ドクが彼らに告げる。「家族の中に一人、狂人が潜んでいる」と。家名を汚さぬためには、その一人を根絶させなければいけない。いったい誰がその一人なのだろうか? 蘭はスズメと対話する引っ込み思案の少女。その兄・タカシはニヒルな詩人。おばあちゃんは紙の猫を愛し、パパは生きることへの不安からドモリ癖がとまらない。残るは藪睨みのおじいちゃんと色気違いのお姉ちゃん。いわば、みんな狂人。そしてそれが面白い。



A surreal drama of fate vs. free will, "Educating Mad Persons" is a colourful and confounding experience. It's a musical, more or less, telling the tale of adysfunctional family desperate to be normal. Starring six female actresses in bizarre kabuki regalia and six shadowy men, the "puppeteers," who sometimes control them, this elaborate production of Tokyo's Ryuzanji Company is filled with lots of exciting noise, action and charmingly cheesy music.

Using stylish dance routines and heightened emotion - lots of banging and shouting by the ninjas - the cast plays out a nightmarish family saga. Doctor Doc has decreed there is "one mad person" living among them who must be rooted out lest the family be shamed. Who could it be? Ran is a withdrawn little girl who talks to sparrows. Her brother, Takashi, is a nihilistic poet. Grandma is fond of paper cats, while papa stutters his insecurities. This leaves the cross-eyed grandfather and libidinous older sister. They're all mad. That's the fun of it.

You may not understand what's happening on stage half the time, but it scarcely matters. The sheer skill of the performers - plus the obvious care put into inventive production design, choreography and costumes - makes "Educating Mad Persons" a bold and refreshing Fringe experience. Besides, it's not hard to miss the point: "Life is only a one-act I)uDDet Dlav."

  By Adrian Chamberlain,September 2,2000 The Times Colonist



One of the Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival's most singular offerings is "Educating Mad Persons". This extraordinary operetta is being staged by one of Japan's leading alternative theatre companies, Ryuzanji and Company. Written by the late Shuji Terayama, it's a must-see for the serious theatre-goer.

Much of what makes "Educating Mad Persons" such an unforgettable, exotic experience is the rich diversity of its parts. Originally created as a puppet show, it encompasses elements of Noh theatre (speciflcally kuruimono, dealing with people who are mad), Kabuki, Brechtian theatre and modern dance. The music, mostly recorded, contains smatterings of Western jazz, pop and Latin - all strained through a Japanese sensibility.

Elsewhere, references to lbsen's A Doll's House and Tales of HoBhann
reinforce the theme of women's oppression.The OPeretta'S finale is gruesomely theatrical, although it ends on a hopeful note by implying the creative spirit transcends that which crushes it.

  By Peter Birnie,September 7, 2000 The Vancouver Sun





Japan's avant-garde troupe Ryuzanii and Company takes that nation's long tradition of puppet theatre and twists it into a fascinating piece of social allegory. Six women wear striking geisha makeup as they play the men and women of a household where one member has been deemed mad; six men are wrapped in black as the "puppet-manipulating ninja" who control them. There are no strings, but an opening bit of choreography is rich in symbolism as the "ninjas" ruthlessly manhandle their victims.

After this reminder of the rigidity lurking within Japanese life, a strange story spins out about how each member of the family is determined not to be tribal-councilled out of the picture. Grandfather wants whoever's crazy killed to keep the family pure but he himself may be the insane one, and there's broad comedy in the way this mad mob scares each other.

What's especially memorable is/ the way the storyline is woven into a dreamscape of dance, song and rhythmic chant. Whether speaking in Japanese or singing in English, the troupe is given a good boost by having its words displayed in surtitles above the stage; it's arguable whether "Educating Mad Persons" should be understood literally or simply absorbed.